Eagle Pass City Council Mulls Options on Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project, Taxpayers Demand Action

By: Ricardo E. Calderon, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2024
The City of Eagle Pass, Texas City Council addressed for a second time the issue regarding the proposed Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project, including the Green Eagle Railroad Line and Bridge, at its Tuesday, July 2, 2024, regular meeting, deciding to continue reviewing its legal options against the private company-owned dual railroad line and bridge and commercial vehicle bridge project while City taxpayers requested they take action instead of just talking about its opposition without taking any formal action.
The Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project (PVGTB0 is owned by the private company Puerto Verde Holdings, LLC (PVH) which proposes to construct and operate two international bridges, one known as the Green Eagle Railroad Line and Bridge and a commercial vehicle bridge known as Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge in the Seco Mines and Hopedale areas of Eagle Pass, Texas. The PVGTB project is sponsored by Maverick County, Texas, but Maverick County does not own any interest or percentage of the two bridges.
The U. S. Surface Transportation Board (Board) Office of Environmental Analysis (OEA) held three public hearings for public scoping comments on a Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on April 16 and 23, 2024 in Eagle Pass, Texas, where an overwhelming majority of citizens who made public comments on the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project adamantly opposed the project for multiple environmental and safety reasons.
The City of Eagle Pass through its Mayor Rolando Salinas, Jr. has expressed its concerns and opposition to the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project in writing and verbally, but the Eagle Pass City Council has not formally taken legal action against the PVGTB Project in the form of a resolution approved by at least a majority of three City Council members declaring the City’s opposition to the project nor authorizing the filing of a federal court lawsuit challenging the legality and constitutionality of the controversial federal law enacted by Congress that allowed the fast-tracking of the Presidential Permit for the project.
Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas, Jr. penned a letter on behalf of the City of Eagle Pass on January 5, 2023 to the U. S. Surface Transportation Board Office of Environmental Analysis expressing the City’s concerns regarding the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project, raising multiple objections and concerns to the project.
At the April 16, 2024, Surface Transportation Office of Environmental Analysis Public Scoping Hearing, Mayor Salinas verbally spoke and stated that he personally opposed the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project for numerous reasons outlined in the City’s January 5, 2023 Letter, including, but not limited to, the PVGTB would compete against the City’s Camino Real International Bridge for commercial vehicles and reduce the City’s revenues from its international bridges that help finance up to 50-60 percent of the City’s annual fiscal budget. Mayor Salinas was accompanied at that April 16, 2024 Public Scoping Hearing by City Attorney Ana Sofia Berain-Garcia, City Manager Homero Balderas, Assistant City Manager Ivan Morua, and former City Economic Development Director Arturo Marquez.
The Eagle Pass City Council first addressed its legal position against the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project at its May 7, 2024 regular meeting. The City Council discussed the issue in Executive Session and upon returning into Open Session, Mayor Pro-Tem Billy Davis motioned for the City to authorize City Attorney Ana Sofia Berain-Garcia to conduct legal research as to what are the legal options available to the City and to hire an economist to conduct an economic impact study of the project on the City. The motion was approved. City taxpayers were disappointed that Mayor Salinas did not obtain three votes of the City Council to approve a motion to oppose the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project and authorize the City to file legal action against the project and the federal law in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas in Del Rio, Texas.
Prior to the May 7, 2024 City Council meeting at 5:30 p.m., Mayor Salinas traveled that same day to Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico to attend a ceremony recognizing the 200th Anniversary of the State of Coahuila-Texas at the invitation of Coahuila Governor Manolo Jimenez Salinas. Mayor Salinas posted that ceremony on his Facebook page. Mayor Salinas met with Governor Manolo Jimenez Salinas and Coahuila Secretary of Economic Development Claudio Bres Garza. What was discussed at that May 7, 2024 meeting is unknown to the taxpayers of Eagle Pass. What City taxpayers do know is that the Eagle Pass City Council did not approve a motion to oppose the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project at its May 7th meeting as anticipated, but instead approved to conduct legal research as to what its legal options are against the project. The City missed a timely opportunity to apply for and obtain a preliminary injunction against the PVGTB Project and President Joe Biden prior to the issuance of the Presidential Permit on May 31, 2024. This delay without legal action cleared the path for President Joe Biden to issue the Presidential Permit on May 31, 2024.
The Eagle Pass City Council then failed to address the issue at its next regular meeting held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, excluding the issue from its agenda.
The second time the Eagle Pass City Council addressed the issue was at its Tuesday, July 2, 2024 regular meeting as Agenda Item No. 37 with a discussion in Executive Session and possible action in Open Session. Upon returning from Executive Session, Mayor Pro-Tem Billy Davis motioned that the City authorize City Administration to follow the advice given by outside legal counsel on the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project. The motion was approved.
Once again, Mayor Salinas and City Council did not take any formal action to oppose or file a federal lawsuit against the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project at the July 2nd meeting. Interestingly, Mayor Pro-Tem Davis’ motion showed that the City has retained, hired, and consulted with outside legal counsel regarding its legal options against the PVGTB project. A review of City Council agendas of their May 7, June 4, and July 7, 2024 meetings does not reflect any agenda item to retain, hire, and consult with outside legal counsel concerning the PVGTB project. City taxpayers have no clue what private outside law firm or attorneys were retained, hired, and consulted with on the issue since their name has not been publicly disclosed. There is a lack of open and transparent government. This is a common problem among all local governmental entities in Eagle Pass and Maverick County.
At the July 2, 2024 City Council meeting, Eagle Pass resident Enriqueta Diaz addressed City Council during the Citizens Communication agenda to oppose the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project, scolding the City Council about publicly talking about opposing the PVGTB Project but not having taken any formal action against the project to date. Diaz stated “Words does not get you anywhere.” Diaz plead with the City Council to join the citizens of Eagle Pass and Maverick County who oppose the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project, including the Green Eagle Railroad Line and Bridge in Seco Mines. Diaz noted the City Council has the money to lobby and take legal action against the project. In other words, Diaz told the City Council that it is time for them to take formal action against the PVGTB Project.
Also former City Attorney and County Attorney Gloria Hernandez addressed the City Council at the July 2nd meeting, stating she had worked on the third international bridge project 3-4 years ago with Maverick County Commissioner Roberto Ruiz and that then Mayor Ramsey English Cantu opposed the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project, but that now as Maverick County Judge he favored the project. Hernandez stated the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project was a scheme to commit fraud and corruption, warning the City Council not to become a part of it. Hernandez urged City Council to oppose the project and not become a part of it as it is not City business.
Also addressing the City Council at the July 2nd meeting was former Mayor and current Maverick County Judge Ramsey English Cantu who encouraged City Council to join Maverick County Commissioners Court in supporting this economic development project in the community as well as work together on the project.
Another person who addressed the City Council at the July 2nd meeting was Ricardo Tijerina who stated the City should support the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project because it is funded by private money and should not use public funds to oppose it.
Local community volunteer Jessie F. Fuentes also addressed the City Council at the July 2nd meeting and advised the City Council to oppose the project because the Green Eagle Railroad Line and Bridge and the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge are proposed being constructed on Seco Creek and Elm Creek which flood regularly according to a study done by the City of Eagle Pass and the Texas Water Development Board in 2009.
President Joe Biden issued a Presidential Permit to Maverick County to construct and operate a third international bridge project in Eagle Pass, Texas, including the Green Eagle Railroad and Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge, on May 31, 2024 that are going to be privately-owned by Puerto Verde Holdings, LLC, an investment group with investors from the United States and Mexico.
The U. S. Surface Transportation Board Office of Environmental Analysis issued its Final Scope of Study for the Environmental Impact Statement on the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project on July 8, 2024, detailing the numerous categories of environmental and legal issues that will be analyzed in determining whether to grant the license to construct and operate the Green Eagle Railroad Line and Bridge.
Many Eagle Pass and Maverick County taxpayers demand the Eagle Pass City Council take formal action against the PVGTB Project by filing a federal lawsuit challenging the legality and constitutionality of the controversial law approved to fast-track the project in the U. S. District Court for the Western District of Texas in Del Rio, Texas and to stop talking as if it is against the project but not doing anything about it.
Recent U. S. Supreme Court decisions have granted federal judges greater discretion to review federal agencies decisions. The ball is in the Eagle Pass City Council court to take formal action one way or another in the controversial Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Project.