Maverick County Hospital District Announces Opening of Urgent Care Center

By: Ricardo E. Calderon, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2023
Maverick County Hospital District (MCHD) Chief Executive Officer Alma Martinez announced during an Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce Luncheon held on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, at the Eagle Pass International Center for Trade of the District’s plans of opening an Urgent Care Center at 2824 N. Veterans Blvd., Eagle Pass, Texas within three weeks to satisfy the community’s growing health care needs and minor emergencies on a walk-in or by appointment basis.
Martinez noted the local hospital District was stepping-in to meet the health care needs of Eagle Pass and Maverick County by opening its first ever Urgent Care Center in the community. The Maverick County Hospital District Urgent Care Center will be located off-site from the District’s headquarters at the former offices of Laguna Clinical Research Associates at 2824 N. Veterans Blvd. at a commercial retail center in the community that is easily accessible to all patients.
Martinez was joined at the Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce Luncheon by her District Board of Directors, including Aaron Valdez, President, Rebecca Robinson, Vice-President, Adolfo Olivares, Secretary-Treasurer, Gerardo Villalpando, Board Member, and Humberto Duran, Board Member, as well as District health care providers and staff.
Martinez and District health care providers presented the multiple health care services offered by the local hospital District to luncheon attendees, including the Physician Specialty Clinic, Oncology, Podiatry, General Surgery, Primary Care Clinic, Saturday Primary Care Clinic, Orthopedics, Urology, Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening, Nutrition and Diabetes Management, Ryan White HIV-AIDS Program, Medical Financial Assistance Program, and Mental Health Counseling.
Martinez highlighted the health care services of the MCHD are available to all residents of Eagle Pass and Maverick County. She encouraged all residents needing any health care services to contact the Maverick County Hospital District at (830) 757-4900 or visit them at 3406 Bob Rogers Drive, Eagle Pass, Texas.