Janelle Gonzalez Named EPISD Teacher of the Month for April 2020

Eagle Pass Independent School District has partnered with local businesses throughout our city to highlight the Teacher of the Month program, which honors educators who have made a difference in our community. The program recognizes outstanding kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school teachers in Eagle Pass, Texas.
April’s Teacher of the Month is none other than Perfecto Mancha Elementary School’s, Mrs. Janelle Gonzalez. Mrs. Gonzalez is a 1st grade teacher at Mancha and serves as a mentor and a true asset to the school. She always goes out of her way to provide quality education for students. Her 14 years of teaching experience reflect in her valuable work and care for her students each day. She provides them with meaningful and engaging lessons in a way that is tailored to each child in her classroom. It is not unlikely to see her tutoring before and after school. She is always one of the first teachers to arrive and the last one to leave. Her colleagues know they can always count on her to take care of students from 7:30 am and beyond 4:00 pm. She serves as first grade level chair and is so dedicated to her craft that she provides guidance to anyone in need. Mrs. Gonzalez is always only one call away, even when she is off duty.
Mrs. Gonzalez cares for her students even if they are no longer in her classroom. She assists during STAAR testing as a test administrator in 5th grade year after year. She understands stakes are high and always has a word of motivation and encouragement for teachers and students alike. She is also an UIL Coach, kids know and respect her.
This year, she was assigned as a first-year teacher mentor due to her experience and excellent record as an educator. She is the perfect example of the teacher one can only hope to become. Her teaching style, routines, procedures, and classroom management are a few of her skills truly worthy of praise. She sees the full potential of each students and pushes them to work to the best of their abilities. Her desire and dedication to student success in academics and as individuals is evident.
Mrs. Gonzalez is an excellent role model and has facilitated the teaching profession for those under her wing. From the first day she welcomed all with open arms and makes everyone feel part of the team. This has tremendous impact on her students’ education and makes her one of those teachers you will always remember. Mrs. Gonzalez shares her methods, materials, and ideas every day and comes to school with a smile on her face ready for whatever the day brings. For all these reasons and more, Mrs. Janelle Gonzalez is Teacher of the Month.
A segment will appear on iVision throughout the month of June detailing many more accomplishments of Mrs. Gonzalez. This month she will also appear on community media, news publications and the EPISD website throughout June 2020. A teacher will be selected each month through May 2020 for a total of eight (8) honorees. The “Teacher of the Month” will be chosen based on educational achievements in the classroom, community contributions and innovative programs and techniques used by the teacher. The “Teacher of the Month” will receive a certificate of recognition and will be featured on iVision, local media news, news publications and radio broadcasting. Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses.