Eagle Passan Judy Canales Elected National Delegate for Joe Biden for President at Texas Democratic Party Convention

By: Miguel Munoz, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2020
Eagle Passan Judy Canales was elected to represent Texas Senate District 19 as the National Delegate for Joe Biden for President at the recently held virtual Texas Democratic Party Convention in Fort Worth, Texas during June 1-6, 2020.
Canales was a Maverick County Delegate to the Texas Democratic Party State Convention celebrated for the first time online in Fort Worth, Texas in order to practice social distancing in light of the current Coronavirus Pandemic.
Canales is one of two Texas Senate District 19 Delegates elected at the State Democratic Party Convention. Also elected as a National Delegate for Joe Biden for President was Lawrence “Larry” Romo of Bexar County, Texas.
The Democratic Party National Convention will be held August 17-20, 2020 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During the week of August 17-20, 2020, the Democratic Party will come together to formally nominate former Vice-President Joe Biden as the nominee for President of the United States of America and announce the selection of the Vice-President candidate, which Joe Biden has previously stated he will select a woman as his running mate. There are 12 to 15 potential women being vetted to become Joe Biden’s Vice-Presidential candidate.
The National Democratic Party Convention is an opportunity to show the American people what the Democratic Party stands for and to launch the Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees toward the national election to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
Canales will represent Maverick County, Texas Senate District 19, and the State of Texas as a National Delegate for Joe Biden for President.