Maverick County Hospital District to Open Centralized COVID-19 Drive-Thru Test Center in Eagle Pass, Texas

By: Miguel Munoz, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2020
Maverick County Hospital District (MCHD) Chief Executive Officer Alma Martinez announced the opening of a centralized COVID-19 drive-thru test center for all residents in Maverick County commencing on Friday, May 1, 2020 at the District’s headquarters, located at 3406 Bob Rogers Drive, in Eagle Pass, Texas.
Maverick County Judge David R. Saucedo stated the MCHD centralized COVID-19 drive-thru test center will provide greater access for all residents of Maverick County to be able to get a COVID-19 test and allow local public health officials and government leaders to assess the level of community spread of the deadly virus within the county.
MCHD Primary Care Clinic Director Eric Rodriguez stated the new drive-thru COVID-19 test clinic will open this Friday, May 1, 2020, with a dry-run and become fully operational on Monday, May 4th, from 9 A.M. through 4 P.M. on a regular Monday through Friday basis.
Rodriguez noted that all persons interested in getting the COVID-19 test need to fill-out a Pre-Screening Questionnaire available at the City of Eagle Pass website at or by calling the Maverick County Hospital District at (830) 757-4900.
Judge Saucedo stated that the new centralized drive-thru COVID-19 will be available for all residents of Maverick County, but he recommends all persons working as first responders to get tested. Saucedo noted that all persons who get a COVID-19 test are required to quarantine themselves until their test results return from the laboratory, except first responders are not required to have to quarantine themselves while waiting for their test results. First responders may return to work after being tested.
Eagle Pass Mayor Luis E. Sifuentes stated the new MCHD centralized COVID-19 drive-thru test center had taken two weeks to open because the COVID-19 tests had been previously unavailable due to demand for them, but that the MCHD had now obtained the necessary COVID-19 tests to open its drive-thru test center on May 1st.
Mayor Sifuentes also noted that in addition to the new MCHD COVID-19 drive-thru test center, United Medical Centers (UMC) also offers a drive-thru COVID-19 test site at its medical clinic located at 1175 Eidson Road in Eagle Pass, Texas. Sifuentes added that the more residents get tested, the better for local healthcare providers and public health officials to determine the level of community spread of the virus in the community. Sifuentes encouraged all residents who have any of the COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath to get tested at either the new MCHD COVID-19 drive-thru test center at 3406 Bob Rogers Drive or at the UMC COVID-19 drive-thru test center at 1175 Eidson Road.