Mayor Sifuentes Declares State of Disaster in City of Eagle Pass, Texas

By: Ricardo E. Calderon, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2020
Eagle Pass, Texas Mayor Luis E. Sifuentes declared a “State of Disaster” in the the City of Eagle Pass due to the Coronavirus pandemic afflicting the community and worldwide pursuant to Section 418.108(a) of the Texas Government Code at a press conference held on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at City Council Chambers. The State of Disaster is effective March 18th and continues for seven days and may be extended for a longer period upon City Council approval.
Mayor Sifuentes noted that there are currently five persons in the community of Eagle Pass being tested to determine if they have COVID-19 and the City is awaiting for the test results. However, Mayor Sifuentes noted that as of the press conference there are not any known and confirmed person with COVID-19 in Eagle Pass.
The declaration of the State of Disaster “activates the City of Eagle Pass, Texas Emergency Management Plan and authorizes the furnishing of aid and assistance under the declaration,’ said Sifuentes.
“This declaration authorizes the City to take any actions necessary to promote health and suppress the virus, including the quarantine of persons and occupied structures, examining and regulating ingress and egress from the City, regulating ingress and egress to occupied structures, establishment of quarantine stations, emergency hospitals, and other hospitals and insuring compliance for those who do not comply with the City rules,” adds the Declaration of State of Disaster.
Mayor Sifuentes stated that all City departments and staff will continue operating during normal business hours with the following restrictions: 1) The City of Eagle Pass Municipal Court will postpone Court sessions for Thursday, March 19, 2020, Friday, March 20th, Monday, March 23rd, and Friday, March 27th; 2) The City of Eagle Pass Parks and Recreation Department will postpone leagues, events, and activities indefinitely. Fields and courts will not be allowed to be used or rented until further notice; 3) The Eagle Pass Public Library and all library facilities are closed until March 27th, at which time the closures will be reassessed; and 4) All City Board and Commission meetings, with the exception of the Eagle Pass City Council, Planning and Zoning, and any other meeting required by law, will be postponed until their regularly scheduled May 2020 meeting.
Sifuentes noted that this declaration limits the size of gatherings to not more than 10 people and mandates the cancellation of all such gatherings until further notice. For purposes of the declaration, the term “gathering” shall refer to any event or common endeavor that brings together or is likely to bring together 10 persons or more at the same time in a confined or enclosed space, room, or area such as, by way of example and without limitation, an auditorium, theatre, stadium (indoor or outdoor), event center, meeting hall, conference center, large cafeteria, or any other confined indoor or confined outdoor space.
However, Sifuentes explained that a “gathering” does not include the following: 1) public or private schools and places of worship; 2) hospitals, medical facilities and shelters; 3) grocery stores, restaurants, and other public food service locations, or other retail establishments where large numbers of people are present but it is unusual for them to be arm’s length of one another for extended periods; and 4) jails and detention centers.
Sifuentes added that the declaration states that “in all such settings, where possible, it is recommended the public follow social distancing recommendations, and harm reduction measures such as hand sanitizer and tissues should be provided. However, any specific large gathering space that is part of any building included in this Section is subject to the prohibition of gatherings as outlined in Section 7 (above). In all such settings, it is recommended that the public follow social distancing recommendations and harm reductions measures such as hand sanitizer and tissues should be provided when possible.”
Sifuentes added that the declaration strongly encourages and recommends that social distancing protocols established by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found online at be followed, including cancelling, rescheduling, or not attending events with more than 10 people.
Sifuentes noted that the declaration strongly encourages citizens to use drive through and pick up facilities at local restaurants and eateries in order to maintain the social distancing protocols established by CDC and the President of the United Sates.
Sifuentes highlighted that a person who knowingly or intentionally violates this declaration of State of Disaster for the City of Eagle Pass, Texas commits an offense punishable by a fine up to $1,000 or confinement in jail for a term that does not exceed 180 days, authorizing the use of all lawful enforcement tools or means.
Sifuentes concluded that this Declaration of State of Disaster for the City of Eagle Pass shall take effect immediately on March 18, 2020 and after its issuance on said date.
Sifuentes encourages all Eagle Passans and visitors to the City of Eagle Pass to comply and obey the newly issued Declaration of State of Disaster for the health and safety of themselves and the community.