Luis E. Sifuentes and Rolando Salinas Sworn-In as Eagle Pass Mayor and City Council Member
By: Miguel Munoz, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2020
The City of Eagle Pass, Texas celebrated the swearing-in ceremony of newly-elected Mayor Luis E. Sifuentes and City Council Place 4 Member Rolando Salinas on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 before a jam-packed City Council Chambers brimming with enthusiastic supporters, family, friends, and citizens.
Outgoing Mayor Ramsey English Cantu performed his last official act as Mayor of Eagle Pass by opening the February 11th Special City Council Meeting and subsequently stepping down from the dais to allow newly-elected Mayor Sifuentes to preside over his first City Council meeting. Cantu presented Sifuentes the gavel of City Council Chambers and the reins of City government as his last act as Mayor, which Sifuentes gladly accepted.
Mayor Sifuentes and wife, Cynthia, presented a gift to outgoing Mayor Cantu of a beautiful statute of Saint Michael for his many years of dedicated public service to the citizens of Eagle Pass.
Mayor Sifuentes thanked all the citizens of Eagle Pass who exercised their right to vote in the February 1, 2020 City Special Officers Election that elected him as Mayor. Sifuentes thanked his family, the Lord, and the many loyal supporters that helped him get elected. Sifuentes vowed to pursue a progressive agenda to make the City of Eagle Pass grow and move forward as a dynamic community. Sifuentes added that he looks forward to working with the loyal and dedicated City employees to bringing progress and growth for the benefit of the citizens of Eagle Pass.
Newly-elected City Council Place 4 Member Rolando Salinas also addressed the standing room only City Council Chambers audience and thanked all the voters of Eagle Pass for placing their trust and support in him. Salinas vowed to keep an open door policy to all citizens of Eagle Pass during his tenure as a City Council member. Salinas also thanked his family, friends, and supporters during the campaign. Salinas noted that he looks forward to working with the City Council and City employees in improving the quality of life in Eagle Pass.
City Secretary Imelda B. Rodriguez administered the Oath of Office to both Sifuentes and Salinas before the enthusiastic City Council Chamber filled audience.
Mayor Sifuentes acknowledged the attendance of Maverick County Judge David R. Saucedo and Texas Senator District 19 Peter Flores among the many people at the ceremony. Sifuentes also thanked former Eagle Pass Mayors Raul Trevino, Rodolfo “Fito” Flores, Enrique Montalvo, Rogelio Flores, Jose Aranda, Jr., Chad Foster, and Ramsey English Cantu for providing him with wisdom and guidance. Sifuentes also acknowledged the love and support of his wife, Cynthia, mother, family, aunts and uncles, mother-in-law, and family. Sifuentes shared with the public a beautiful poem of Saint Patrick sent to him by his Aunt Lesvia Barrera to guide him during his tenure as Mayor of Eagle Pass.
City Council Members Yolanda P. Ramon and William “Billy” Davis also attended the Special City Council Meeting and Swearing-In Ceremony. City Council Member Rudy Villalpando was not present at the meeting.
City Council Member Rudy Villalpando will remain in his Place 2 post until City voters elect his successor in the Run-Off Election in April of 2020 between Elias Diaz and Elizabeth Chisum De La Garza.
Following the Special City Council Meeting and Swearing-In Ceremony, guests were treated to a reception with refreshments to meet and greet Mayor Luis E. Sifuentes and City Council Member Rolando Salinas and thank former Mayor Ramsey English Cantu for his many years of public service as a City Council Member and Mayor of Eagle Pass.