Councilman Rudy Villalpando Announces Candidacy for Mayor
By: Miguel Munoz, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2019
Eagle Pass City Councilman Rudy Villalpando announced his candidacy for Mayor on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 and proceeded to register as a candidate for the City Special Officer Election to be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020 with City Secretary Imelda B. Rodriguez at City Hall.
Villalpando cited his 16 years experience as a City Councilman and his passion for progress, transparency, and fiscal responsibility in municipal government on why he is seeking the post of Mayor.
Villalpando was accompanied by his wife, Elsa, son Erasmo, and granddaughter Jaylynn, at City Hall during his registration as a candidate for Mayor.
The Candidate Registration Period for the February 1, 2020 City Special Officer Election commenced on November 19th and continues until December 2, 2019. Candidates register with City Secretary Imelda B. Rodriguez at City Hall.
The Eagle Pass City Council has called for a City Special Officer Election for February 1, 2020 to fill the posts of Mayor and any City Council Places which current council members may register for Mayor in the special election or other political office such as Place 2 held by Councilman Rudy Villalpando.
The February 1, 2020 Special Election was called because Mayor Ramsey English Cantu announced his candidacy for the Texas House of Representative District 74 Seat in the Democratic Party Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, requiring that Mayor Cantu resign from his position. Cantu announced that he will remain as Mayor until a new Mayor is elected in the February 1st Special Election.
Early Voting for the February 1st City Special Officer Election will be held during January 15 through January 28, 2020 at the Eagle Pass Multi-Purpose Center.
Villalpando seeks the post of Mayor to continue the progress and growth of the City of Eagle Pass in an orderly and responsible manner.