Maverick County Commissioners Court Approves Tax Rate Increase for 2019-2020 Fiscal Year
By: Miguel Munoz, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2019
Maverick County Commissioners Court unanimously approved a tax rate increase for the 2019-2020 fiscal year budget of approximately 2.5 cents per $100 ad valorem valuation on real property from last year’s tax rate of $0.543400 per $100 value to the new approved tax rate of $0.5687 per $100 ad valorem valuation at a meeting held on September 12, 2019, except for Commissioner Precinct 3 Pete Venegas who was not present at the meeting.
Approving the tax rate increase were County Judge David R. Saucedo and Commissioners Jerry Morales, Rosy Cantu, and Roberto Ruiz while Pete Venegas was absent.
According to the Maverick County, Texas Fiscal Year 2020 Adopted Budget filed with the County Clerk’s Office on September 12, 2019, last year’s (2019) fiscal year budget was $13,255,765 compared to the newly approved 2020 fiscal year budget of $14,573,528, an increase of $1,317,763 from last year’s budget.
The total amount of Maverick County debt obligations as of the adoption of the 2020 budget was $39,386,451, including $27,105,238 in principal and $12,281,214 in interest.
The total amount of Maverick County debt obligations for fiscal year 2020 as of the adoption of the 2020 budget was $4,790,950, including $3,111,472 in principal and $1679,478 in interest.
Additional Maverick County debt that is not pledged by ad valorem property taxes as of adoption of this budget was $2,608,668 for fiscal year 2020. Additionally, Maverick County obligations for fiscal year 2020 that are not pledged by ad valorem property taxes as of the adoption of this budget was $196,881.
Despite the ad valorem tax rate increase for the 2019-2020 fiscal year by Commissioners Court, Maverick County Judge David R. Saucedo stated at a press conference held on September 16, 2019 that Maverick County has made progress on its financial condition and is now eligible for state and federal grants and/or loans, including the return of an approximately $1.5 Million grant by the Texas Department of Transportation and Federal Aviation Administration that will result in annual grant monies of $125-150,000 per year for improvements to the Maverick County Memorial International Airport at the Maverick County Industrial Park in the Radar Base area (12 miles north of Eagle Pass). County Judge Saucedo was optimistic that Maverick County’s financial situation is changing for the best of the community and for continued growth and projects within the county.