Maverick County Commissioners Court Appoint Gloria E. Hernandez as County Attorney
By: Miguel Munoz, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2019
Maverick County Commissioners Court appointed Eagle Pass attorney Gloria E. Hernandez as the new County Attorney by a split vote of 3-2 at their regular meeting held on Monday, March 25, 2019, after the Texas Secretary of State notified Maverick County that their was a vacancy in their County Attorney position due to former County Attorney Ricardo Ramos’s resignation from the post in December 2017 to run for the 293rd Judicial District Court Judgeship in the March 2018 Primary Election.
The Texas Secretary of State advised Maverick County Commissioners Court that an election for the vacant County Attorney should have been held in the November 2018 General Election.
After former County Attorney Ricardo Ramos resigned, Maverick County Commissioners Court appointed Eagle Pass attorney Jaime “AJ” Iracheta as the new County Attorney on January 8, 2018, whom served as County Attorney since that date to March 25, 2019. Iracheta was appointed by Commissioners Court on a unanimous vote of 4-0 with Commissioner Jerry Morales being absent at that meeting on January 8th. Commissioner Roberto Ruiz made the motion to appoint Iracheta and seconded by Commissioner Pete Venegas with Commissioner Rosy Cantu and County Judge David R. Saucedo voting in favor of Iracheta.
The Texas Secretary of State Office requested Maverick County Commissioners Court to appoint a new County Attorney to fill the vacancy until the next election in November 2020 due to the vacancy created by former County Attorney Ricardo Ramos’s resignation and the lack of an election to fill the vacancy. After announcing the County Attorney vacancy to the Maverick County Bar Association, four local attorneys applied with Commissioners Court for the vacant County Attorney position including Jaime “AJ” Iracheta, Cecilia Mascorro, Andrea Casares, and Gloria E. Hernandez.
At the March 25, 2019 Maverick County Commissioners Court meeting, Commissioner Jerry Morales made a motion to appoint Cecilia Mascorro as the new County Attorney after coming out of Executive Session, but his motion failed for a lack of second. Commissioner Pete Venegas then made a motion to appoint Jaime “AJ” Iracheta as the new County Attorney, but his motion failed too for a lack of a second. Then Commissioner Roberto Ruiz made a motion to appoint Gloria E. Hernandez and Commissioner Rosy Cantu seconded the motion, which passed on a split vote of 3-2 with Ruiz, Cantu, and County Judge David R. Saucedo in favor and Commissioners Jerry Morales and Pete Venegas opposed the motion.
Gloria E. Hernandez was sworn-in as the new Maverick County Attorney at a ceremony held on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Hernandez will hold the County Attorney position until the November 2020 General Election. Hernandez and other interested candidates may seek the County Attorney position in 2020 with the final decision going to Maverick County voters.