Eagle Pass Police Department Crime Report

Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30 AM: Eagle Pass Police Officers responded to the 1300 block of Main Street in reference to an unattended child in the street. Officers located an apartment where the child had exited and discovered the parents who appeared to have been asleep. While in the apartment officers located an amount of marijuana over 40 ounces but less than 5 pounds along with a large amount of cash. 21-year-old Angel Isaiah Garcia and 21 year-old Dora Elia Juarez were arrested and presented before a magistrate where they were formally charged with child endangerment and an enhanced charge possession of marijuana over 40 ounces but less than 5 pounds due to their proximity to a playground which is a 3rd degree felony. Garcia and Juarez were remanded to the Tom Bowles Detention Center in lieu of a $10,000 bond each. The child located in the street as well as a second child located in the residence were released to the custody of a family member

Saturday, March 2, 2019, 12:50 PM: Eagle Pass Police Officers responded to the area a Basswood Drive in regards to a reported reckless driver. Officers arriving in the area located a grey Toyota pickup truck which matched the description of the vehicle reported. A traffic stop was conducted and as a result the driver was issued a citation for having an open container in his vehicle. The passenger identified as 34-year-old Oscar Miguel Villaseñor was arrested and presented before a magistrate where he was formally charged with possession of marijuana less than 2 ounces and a 3rd degree felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Villaseñor was discovered to be in possession of the narcotics during the course of the traffic stop which led to his arrest. Villaseñor was remanded to the Tom Bowles Detention Center in lieu of a combined $7000 bond for the two charges.