Eagle Pass Set for Legislative Session

(Eagle Pass, TX) – The City of Eagle Pass is all set for the 86th Texas Legislative Session, which will begin on January 8, 2019. The city’s government relations consulting firm, EMC Strategy Group, LLC will represent the City of Eagle Pass throughout the legislative session.
The City of Eagle Pass will focus its lobbying efforts on seeking support for legislation that further expands opportunities for economic development, transportation, public safety, labor workforce training, healthcare, and education.
The city will team up with the Texas Municipal League to oppose any bill that threatens local control and is counter to economic development for Eagle Pass and the region.
“I am optimistic about this coming session, especially with the support from Senator Peter Flores and State Representative Poncho Nevarez,” says Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey English-Cantu.
The City of Eagle Pass, through its BEDC Government Relations Committee, began seeking input from key stakeholders last summer in the development of its legislative priorities. Government Relations Chair Cecilia Mascorro along with EMC President & CEO Ernie Gonzalez conducted a series of listening sessions with the mayor, city staff, EPISD, SWTJC, business community, water district, Maverick County Health District, and numerous other sectors to identify legislative priorities tied to the state level.
“I am pleased with the level of response that we received from key community and business leaders through this legislative preparation process,” says BEDC Chairman Morris Libson. “I applaud the mayor and city council for their outstanding leadership and encouraging community participation,” adds Libson.
EMC Strategy Group will provide weekly legislative updates throughout the session.