Miguel Angel Flores, Jr. Graduates from University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work
By: Miguel Munoz, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2018
Eagle Passan Miguel Angel Flores, Jr. graduated from the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work with a Master of Social Work degree on Thursday, May 10, 2018, in a commencement ceremony held at the Cullen Performance Hall on the main campus of the University of Houston, announced Dr. Alan J. Dettlaff, Dean and Maconda Brown O’Connor Endowed Dean’s Chair of the Graduate College of Social Work.
Flores was recognized for receiving two scholarships during his graduate studies at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, including the Globe Youth: Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training for Professionals Stipend and the Shine HRSA SDS Scholarship. Flores did a Behavioral Health Internship at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Houston, Texas.
Flores is a graduate of Eagle Pass High School (Class of 2007) and previously earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas.
Flores is the son of the late Miguel Angel Flores and Alma Leticia Maldonado Flores of Eagle Pass, Texas.
Flores was accompanied at his commencement ceremony by his beloved mother, Alma Leticia Maldonado Flores, Aunt Mayela Maldonado, Cousins Jessica Martinez and Julian Herrera, Fiancee Alexa C. Calderon, and Ricardo and Diana E. Calderon.
Flores plans to reside in Houston, Texas and work as a Clinical Therapist Social Worker in the Behavioral Health field within the healthcare industry.