SWTJC: College proposed budget focused on future of institution
(Press Release) Uvalde, TX, – SWTJC Board of Trustees met on Tuesday (June 6) in Uvalde for a budget workshop; for the purpose of reviewing the proposed budget for 2017-2018.
According to Dr. Hector Gonzales, college president, the proposed budget focused on making an investment in the future of SWTJC.
“What we’ve done with this budget is to make an investment in our future, we try and do three things. The first thing is to upgrade the training equipment, and it’s not all, it’s just to try to make up some progress in our vocational programs or technical programs,” said Gonzales. “We want our students to have relevant training––that they get trained on equipment they’re going to see when they get out into the workforce, so we made some investments in those departments.”
Gonzales also informed the board about a proposed slight pay increase for faculty and staff through two step increases in the pay scale.
“We’ve also made an investment in our human resources, in our faculty and staff; they were very understanding with us last year when times were very lean,” said Gonzales.
The third concern addressed in the budget was to rebuild up the reserve fund balance by $3 million in the next five years.
“We need to have some kind of a reserve balance to protect the institution for the long term,” added Gonzales.
Gonzales also stated to the board of a modest tuition increase, which will take effect during the Spring 2018 semester. He also noted the proposed budget did not call for a tax rate increase.
Board member Tony Moreno said, “I think it is very well presented and I think it’s very good that we’re able to give faculty, staff, and everyone a little bit of something.”
Trustees will meet next week on Thursday (June 15) at 7 p.m. in Uvalde to approve the proposed budget during their regular monthly meeting.