Eagle Pass High School Graduation scheduled Saturday, June 3rd
By: Miguel Munoz, Eagle Pass Business Journal, Inc., Copyright 2017
The mighty Eagle Pass High School Eagles Class of 2017 graduation is scheduled to be held on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at 8 P.M. at the Eagle Pass Independent School District (EPISD) Student Activity Center Cozel Foster-Veterans Memorial Stadium, announced EPISD Superintendent Gilberto Gonzalez.
Over 550 seniors are expected to graduate from Eagle Pass High School in the Class of 2017.
Eagle Pass High School Principal John Cox proudly announced the Top Five (5%) percent honor graduates at a Recognition Banquet held at the EPISD Student Activity Center Fine Arts Center on Thursday, May 11, 2017.
The 2017 Eagle Pass High School Valedictorian is Mario A. Garcia, Jr. with an outstanding Grade Point Average (GPA) of 111.4681. He plans to attend Columbia University in New York, New York and is the son of Mario and Leticia Garcia.
The Eagle Pass High School Salutatorian is Rolando Gonzalez with an excellent GPA of 111.1136. He plans to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, Massachusetts and is the son of Rolando and Ana Isabel Gonzalez.
The Top Five (5%) percent honor graduates of the Eagle Pass High School Class of 2017 include Carolina Delgado with a GPA of 108.4722; Fernanda Gonzalez with a GPA of 108.4359; Oscar L. Fernandez with a GPA of 108.1500; Anna Sofia Aguado with a GPA of 107.5750; Jeanelle Fernandez with a GPA of 107.0789; Carlo Samuel Rodriguez with a GPA of 107.0000; Daniel Ramiro Garcia with a GPA of 106.8333; Jesus D. Gonzalez with a GPA of 106.8056; Amanda Benavides with a GPA of 106.7561; Santana Ayala with a GPA of 106.6500; Jose M. Rodriguez with a GPA of 106.1136; Diego A. Rodriguez with a GPA of 105.9302; Hugo Pedro De Santiago with a GPA of 105.7805; Gabriella M. Marines-Chio with a GPA of 105.4468; Angelica Garza with a GPA of 105.3415; Michelle Tovar with a GPA of 105.3023; Leslie Riojas with a GPA of 105.2647; Jennifer Paige Snyder with a GPA of 104.118; David Leopoldo Vielma with a GPA of 104.8293; April Flores with a GPA of 104.7895; Jose L. Chong with a GPA of 104.5714; Nojem J. Libson with a GPA of 104.5116; Ivana Gonzalez with a GPA of 104.4762; Sarah Wauson with a GPA of 104.3333; Placido Rogelio Rodriguez II with a GPA of 104.2143; and Conrado Jimenez, Jr. with a GPA of 104.2115.
In case of inclement of weather, the Eagle Pass High School Graduation ceremony will be moved to 10:00 A.M. on Sunday, June 4, 2017. If it is raining on the day of graduation, please tune in to your local radio station, watch I-Vision Cable Channel 16, or call your campus to receive further details. If rain continues on the rescheduled date, then the ceremony will be cancelled and students can pick up their diploma the following business day.
The Eagle Pass Independent School District recommends graduates, parents, and family members attending the graduation ceremony to also use the Loop 480 entrance on the East-side of the EPISD Student Activity Center to avoid congestion at the main entrance gate located on U.S. Highway 277 South on the South-side of the SAC.
The Eagle Pass Business Journal congratulates the Eagle Pass High School Eagles Class of 2017 on their graduation and wishes them the best in their future endeavors. Go Eagles Go!