Marlen Ramirez honored with Texas Campaign’s David C. Wiley Award
(AUSTIN, TEXAS) – The Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy is excited to announce that Marlen Ramirez, who oversees the Juntos Podemos Program, a teen pregnancy prevention program within the Maverick County Health District, has been awarded the 2018 David C. Wiley Award. This award, presented at the Texas Campaign’s annual Symposium, recognizes exceptional individuals who have made remarkable contributions to the field of teen pregnancy prevention in Texas through service, leadership, advocacy, or research.
Ms. Ramirez, who has extensive outreach experience, also serves as a Community Health Worker, allowing her to work closely with local community-based organizations and health providers to raise awareness about healthier lifestyles. Having been a teen parent herself, she draws upon her own personal experiences to guide local youth. Her work with the Juntos Podemos Program has increased awareness within a tri-national community and has opened the opportunity for teens and parents in Eagle Pass, Texas, Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico, and in the Traditional Kickapoo Tribe of Texas to have conversations on teen pregnancy prevention.
“Marlen has been a true champion of prevention efforts and a tireless worker on behalf of young people in Maverick County and beyond,” says Molly Clayton, Executive Director, the Texas Campaign. “Her ongoing commitment and tireless work around this issue deserve to be applauded. She truly is a champion for adolescents and we couldn’t be more thrilled to present her with this honor.”
Established in 2009, the Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy is a non-partisan, non-profit education and advocacy organization dedicated to reducing the rate of unintended teen pregnancy in Texas. We work to create constructive dialogue around teen pregnancy, adolescent sexual health, and effective prevention strategies. The organization is headquartered in Austin, Texas. Learn more at